Since 1915, the community and people like you have lifted the students, staff and school through prayers and support with their time, talent and treasures. We are forever grateful for your support. Whether you have helped further the mission through the years or are just getting started, THANK YOU. We could not do it without you!
St. Rita School for the Deaf is a very special place that provides an environment with opportunities to learn to communicate, be understood, express themselves and develop language.
Gifts to the school help further the mission and allows faculty and staff to provide programs and opportunities to develop the whole child and reach their full potential. Giving to the school can help a student who struggles with transition become a group leader; a student who displays aggressive behaviors learn to work through problems appropriately; a student who struggles with speech and communication become understood by most people, and a student who is isolated from lack of peers and communication gain an "extended family" to call their own.
Please consider the many ways to give and make an impact today.
For more information about making a gift, email
Click here to take a tour of St. Rita with our president, Angela Frith or if you would like to see the impact in person, email

St. Rita School for the Deaf is a registered 501 (c)(3) organization. No goods or services are provided by St. Rita School for the Deaf (EIN-31-0537509) in exchange for a donation.