Preschool Program
St. Rita’s Early Childhood Program includes two classrooms of 3-5 year old comprised of children with and without disabilities. We use a comprehensive communication approach utilizing American Sign Language, spoken language, pictures, gestures, and augmentative communication. We believe that our students benefit from the use of sign language both receptively and expressively. We provide a print-rich environment with photos and pictures to illustrate concepts and interactive materials alongside technology to enhance children’s understanding of the world around them. We use the Creative Curriculum that is aligned with Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards for preschool.
The Early Childhood Program is designed to:
· Meet the developmental needs of young children with and without disabilities from ages 3 to 5 years old.
· Provide experiences that enrich and enhance each child’s language, cognitive, social, emotional, physical and creative development.
· Educate students who need special methods of communication in a safe, value-oriented environment.
Within our daily schedule, each child will be exposed to:
· Opportunities to create, explore, learn problem solving and experience personal interaction skills.
· Educational concepts presented through developmentally appropriate play and the Creative Curriculum in the preschool classrooms.
· Through a balance of self and teacher directed activities, an opportunity to develop a positive self-concept and social communication skills.
Through our carefully selected teaching staff, students will be provided with:
· Supportive, nurturing, warm, and responsive care with attention to each child’s needs.
· Positive role models of both Deaf and hearing degreed teachers and licensed teaching assistants.
· Exposure and immersion in both sign language and spoken English.
· The means to communicate freely and directly with everyone in their school environment.
Parentally placed enrollment at St. Rita School for the Deaf including the use of the Autism Scholarship or Early Childhood Education Grant includes full access to our audiological services, special education services, general education services, speech and language services, school nurse, and technology services that includes a student issued iPad for those students with IEPs or Service Plans.
Our Preschool program is licensed through the Ohio Department of Education. We hold a 5-Star Step Up to Quality rating.
Program Hours:
Our Early Childhood Program operates from 7:30am to 3:30pm Mondays through Fridays following the annual school calendar which begins mid-August and ends at the end of May. The school calendar is posted annually on the website for parents.
The school day is from 7:45am to 2:45pm. Parents can drop off their child as early as 7:30am. Children can stay for after school care from 2:45pm to 3:30pm.
Daily Structure:
7:30 to 7:45am
Morning Drop Off
Transition to classroom; restroom break; get ready for Circle Time.
Circle Time and morning work cycle
Snack Break
Morning work cycle
Transition back to classroom; restroom break; get ready for quiet time
12:00 – 1:30pm
Nap Time
Restroom Break; transition to afternoon circle time
Afternoon work cycle
Afternoon Pick Up; Transition to after-school care
Final pick up