
Referral & Application Process

Students are referred to St. Rita School for the Deaf through their local public school district, early intervention service coordinator, physician, or their parent/guardian. Once the referral is made, the staff will contact the parent/guardian to set up a tour of St. Rita School for the Deaf and review the student's educational and medical records. Parents/Guardians are asked to complete an application for admission, and to provide a copy of the student’s birth certificate, current multi-factored evaluation (called an ETR in Ohio), current IEP, recent IEP progress reports, and medical reports indicating all diagnoses (medical, hearing, and psychological). Outpatient therapy evaluations and progress notes are also requested when applicable.

Child smiling with glasses on rim of nose

Student and teacher at a table learning together.

After the initial tour, the parent/guardian will be asked to schedule a second visit with the student for a pre-admission evaluation to provide an analysis of baseline skills, as well as to identify priorities for special education & related services. 

This evaluation is usually completed either at 10:00 AM or 3:00 PM Monday-Friday for preschool students, by appointment. Students in grades K-12 are evaluated at various times by appointment during regular school hours (7:45 AM-2:45 PM), Monday-Friday.