Nutrition Services

St Rita School for the Deaf participates in the National School Lunch Program, offering breakfast and lunch service daily. The types of meals provided within the school meal program encompass standards as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. All menus are planned following standards of the National School Lunch Program as governed by the United States Department of Agriculture.
Breakfast and lunch is served at school on a daily basis however your child is welcome to pack their lunch. Meals are created on a rotating schedule but are subject to change.
60% of our families qualify for Free and Reduced lunches. We highly encourage families to apply if they were eligible in previous years or their family income has changed over the past year. Go to to apply.
Students who were approved for the free and reduced meal program at the end of last year automatically (temporarily) qualify again this year (for the first 30 days of school). However, a new application must be completed for the 2024-2025 school year within 30 days. If a new application is not completed and processed by Friday, September 27th, 2024, the previous year’s eligibility status is no longer valid. It is important that families complete their free and reduced meal application in a timely manner to maintain their eligibility status. Anyone not previously approved may apply at any time during the school year. If you have questions, please contact Neka Freeze, Food Service Director, at 513-352-7246.
For students who do not qualify for free and reduced meals, we are asking parents to prepay for breakfasts and lunches in advance. It is suggested you pay for meals on a weekly or monthly basis. As the balance of the account gets low, you will be notified.
There are 2 ways to prepay for meals:
1. Send in cash or check made out to St. Rita School for the Deaf and in the memo line write Meals and then your Child’s name.
2. Go to and Click on the Donate button in the top right corner. Then Click on the Donate Now link, go in and prepay and select unrestricted and then in the comment section put Meals and your child’s name.
The costs for this school year are:
Breakfast $2.00
Lunch $3.50
Milk $.50
If you have questions, please contact Neka Freeze, Food Service Director, at 513-352-7246.